About the DDB
Welcome to the cEDH Decklist Database (DDB). The DDB is a showcase of different decks from cEDH. The goal of the DDB is to highlight the variety of different decks that exist within that space to help new players acclimate to cEDH concepts and possibilities while also helping established players find inspiration for brewing and playing. The DDB is not a tier list, nor a collection of tournament decks, and should not be considered in any way a list of the “best” decks in cEDH nor an exhaustive list of decks in cEDH. It is a collection of decks that the DDB Managers and Reviewers believe underscore just some of the variety of options available to players within the world of cEDH.
The decks shown on the DDB are looked over by an experienced team of reviewers before getting final approval to be on the DDB by the manager team. The following is a list of some of the different items that are taken into account when reviewing:
-A strategy that can hold its own in a cEDH environment
-Inclusion of all relevant cards for the deck’s strategy
-A chosen commander that enhances the deck’s performance
-The ability to relevantly impact the game state in the earliest turns of a game
-Listed on an approved decklist site
Notably, the DDB does not attempt to use gameplay performance data as a major arbiter of deck evaluation due to the difficult and nebulous nature of acquiring accurate gameplay data for cEDH. Although some team members may be involved in other projects addressing data within cEDH, those projects are not primarily considered when making decisions regarding the DDB. In prior forms of feedback, we would often ask both reviewers and the general cEDH community about their exposure to certain lists. As with performance, this is not a primary factor that is considered with submissions.
A submitted deck not being accepted to the DDB does not mean that the deck is not competitive, not fun, or not worth playing. It simply means the team was unable to find a good fit for it at that time. One of the more common reasons a decklist is rejected is that the strategy or deck itself is already adequately represented on the DDB. As cEDH shifts, new cards are printed, and opinions change, resubmitted decks often find their way onto the DDB, so a deck not being on the DDB in a given review cycle is not the final word from the DDB team.
Brewer’s Corner vs. Main Page
With the goal of highlighting different decks within cEDH, the DDB has a Brewer’s Corner page for new decks. The Brewer’s Corner is designed to showcase decks that have had a recent playability surge within the cEDH metagame or have the potential to accomplish such recognition as the deck and pilot-pool develop. The community may not be familiar with these decks at first glance, but those incredibly active within cEDH may recognize these upcoming lists.
New deck archetypes accepted to the DDB will start on the Brewer’s Corner, and the decks on the Brewer’s Corner are all evaluated to move to either the main page or database. If a decklist is maintained, and the strategy has proven itself to be strong enough, decks will move from the Brewer’s Corner to the main page. Decks moving from the BC to the Main Page are rare as it would imply a new deck or strategy taking immediate hold of the larger cEDH metagame. Most decks on the Brewer's Corner, after an unspecific amount of time has passed for their showcase, will be moved to the general Database as long as they remain updated and relevant.
The Database section (currently named 'Database') is meant to display decks viable within cEDH but may not represent the same format-wide impact as those seen on the Main Page. The database also contains decks that have historical significance to the progression of cEDH throughout the years. These are labeled with a [HISTORIC] tag.
As the cEDH meta grows, shifts, and reacts to changes, decks will freely swap between the Main Page and Database. A deck's location is a welcome topic of civil debate on the DDB support server. Decks not updated in six months will be deleted regardless of section. We use 'Last updated' fields on decklist sites to determine this duration.
The DDB Team
As mentioned above, the DDB is maintained by a team of managers and reviewers. The review team provides initial feedback on all the lists submitted to the DDB, in addition to providing ongoing feedback about the main DDB page, Brewer’s Corner lists, and the website itself. We aim to keep the review team large so analysis can be fresh and varied.
The management team oversees the review team’s work and uses their feedback to make final decisions regarding the DDB, in addition to handling the non-technical work on the DDB and Discord. The current management team consists of:
Additionally, the DDB would not function without the technical work of our volunteer web director, Average Dragon.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are interested in joining the DDB team, we periodically reach out to add new reviewers. New reviewer applications typically occur 1-2 times a year. Please visit our support Discord for more information.
Privacy Policy
Information we collect
All of our personally identifiable information (PII), which may include deck links, descriptions, usernames, or any other user-input field, will be removed upon request. This form functions as our users' main avenue for removing information from the Database. We will also respond to requests made on our Discord server, or PMs directly to a Database Manager.
We will never sell, rent, or lease your Discord usernames, IP addresses, or any other submitted information to 3rd parties. We may use Discord usernames or submitted information to contact users in order to confirm information or ask questions about the decks.
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DMCA Takedowns
If you would like to issue a DMCA takedown regarding your copyrighted content, the Make a Request page of the cEDH Decklist Database serves as the official avenue for issuing takedowns. Include a link to a PDF in the body of your submission, and select the "Other" option in the dropdown, and your request will be reviewed by a DDB manager.
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